Sunday, June 25, 2006

The prism is man. The white light is the Word of God. The colors appear after the prism. The source, the Truth, is the source of the white light. The source is hidden from man, who is lost in the rainbow.

Man can refract the light into the component colors; and he can again recombine them. In order to recombine them, however, they must first be split apart.

The seven colors are the seven planets. Each is a vibration, manifest into form, that represents a piece of the Word. Each is like a letter in this first sentence, whose utterance fills the cosmos.

Like a word that has a single sound, the individual letters only appear when the word is written. While God is the author of the universe, so man is his scribe.

Man plays in the rainbow, and identifies the colors he makes. Each is smaller than the Word, because the Word comes before as the breath precedes speech, and it is through man—the prism—they are revealed as separate. For there is only unity, and those who make pieces with images.

Before the Word there was Truth. Truth is the substance from which speech stretches, it is the reason a breath was taken. Truth is the breath, and its wind fills the heavens.

The body of man is a series of arches for the winds of the soul.


My good friend who wishes to know the secrets of this life, first learn wisdom by your efforts, learn autonomy of thought, so that, like the stars, you may aspire to the heavens. Sing praises to God almighty, sing praises of his names, hope only to see a single ray of his brilliance as the light in you arises. So that you might not be blind.

First recognize the truth of your identity--that you are but the history of your experience toward God. Then, when you have become nothing, be prepared to accept a new name.

For nothing is without you, but all perceived within. We have made much mess with measurements, but they started first as relative expressions. Do not reach for the objective, for no such thing exists that you can describe. Remember, as I have told you, your greater part is invisible. Your body is the dead, and it will return its pieces when you leave.

Remember this, oh he who walks beneath the moon. Mark well these words, for if you understand them you are already on your way. Nothing here is righteous. Nothing here is necessary unto itself. All things serve the purpose to return to God--He who sends things out, that they may return to Him. Only thus can the cause be justified, only thus can the obscure be known. And what delight when God recognizes Himself! For this is the bridge across the chasm.

I pray you understand this, so you won’t have to return here. I pray you recognize your nothingness, so that you can be reborn. For as you grow, so must you diminish, for time effects all mortal beings. But time is an effect, and not a cause. Life is the cause of time, and time the effect of life. And time only affects the dead.

Remember this, oh seeker of knowledge, for it is important. Time does not exist, or else it moves backwards, from the justification of the cause, through it’s effects, to the first being, and then forward again as we ascend to God. Your mortal footsteps will be your ladder, and experience your grasp. Be willing to stop grasping so that you may stand without climbing. If the ladder falls beneath you, how can you say you’ve not reached the top?

You have forgotten where you came from--you went first into darkness before breaking through the womb into light. The body is darkness. Only Lucifer can evolve through the tunnel of man. Return to the light oh brother, that you will suffer not the pains of corruption!

All things spring from desire, for there is a desire for God to know himself. The first was forged from fire’s fire. The last will be burned away. Broken pieces of the glass of God, we assemble a grotesque image. Only the Godly man is without image of himself. He acts straight from the silence. There is no dialogue to confirm--or make anxious--his desire. Learn these things, oh seeker, that you may return to your maker, that you may stand aloud--sing praises and be grateful--for God is merciful! He will allow your experience to remain ever loving Him! All else will vanish.

All mortal things must change. Without change can be no decision. Corruption is the change of time. The corruption of desire leaves many things whose visible counterparts bespeak their motive. There is but one motive for the man seeking knowledge--to know God! And there is but one motive from the primal cause, for God to find himself, and know he is good and right! All visible things are the result of the corrupted intentions; to continue an identity based on the perceived individuality of experience. Mark well these words, for the world is full of evil--or, rather, the world is lacking good.

For evil of itself does not exist. As darkness is but the absence of light, so evil is but the absence of good. And even in the darkest night the stars will be your guide.

The sublunary realm is fraught with suffering! How can this be, you cry, when God is man-loving? Because suffering springs from the corruption of desire--it is a consequence of the forces of will set in motion.

For from nothing springs the primal cause, and being takes on shape. A distance is a shape, know this, oh brother. When finally the shape has become able to affect its own potential it can be said to have a body. When the body is able to choose its flight, it can be said to have a nature. When the body is able to affect its nature--opt to define its own nature--it can be said to be a man. All natures return to the self but the divine nature that leads back to God. The self is the eclipse of God, for it is the misunderstanding of one’s divinity. It is a shadow across the world. Everything is divine. When one understands this, he will become nothing. But God is merciful, remember that! He will leave you ever loving Him. All else will vanish! Only good remains! The proof of this is scattered through the millennia.

Many times I have had to tell you this. And many times you mistook my words. Few are they who understand how to read. Many are the mindless. Remember, he who wishes to know God, that reason is the light to the light. Remember that reason is not necessarily rational, but resounding. Hear the echoes of these words.

Dear being labored with his body, remember you are a waking corpse. What is it that holds these pieces around you, and makes them assume the shape of your experience? What is it that brings the bees around the Queen, or the flock of sparrows to turn at once? What is it that makes the fishes turn the schools without words? And what is it that makes words?
What is the power of speech? And what that of naming? Is a euphemism anything other than an expression of desire? Hence we can say we have swear words, for they are of themselves self serving--act to connote a desire--and as we have said, this is a sign of corruption. Speech is emphatic, but more importantly it is descriptive. It is also analytic synthetic, and assumed. It is also an act of magic, for many things hear when the outside is touched with speech. Remember that, oh brother, for it is important what you say.

God must know himself, for He is the first, and He is the last. Your return is proof of his goodness, and this end is in fact the beginning. He is He who seeks His own Name.

Use your voice to praise God! To assist your neighbor! To bridge the distance beyond the seen! Remember the world is the consequence of corrupted desire. Remember first you fell, for it was necessary that you choose yourself. Now return once more. Confirm God’s greatness!

“All rivers flow to the ocean, yet the ocean is never full. Whence the rivers came from, thither do they return.”
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