Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Apple well symbolizes the four worlds. For in the seed is
contained the image of the tree. The seeds are thus surrounded by
the core, which sustains them, yet exists from them. The fleshy part
surrounds the core, and then the skin, that subtle kingdom that
divides it, in separateness, in individuality, from the rest. So the
apple comes into being, and the tree is reborn. From the light we
move to the dense, and the whole becomes a part within the whole.

"And yet the opposite is also true. For the skin is like the first
division of the realms: veritably it partitions space from space,
and from emptiness the first sphere is laid down; then the fleshy
part, which surrounds a denser core, and then the seed, the densest
part of the fruit – the kingdom, which grows, and the tree is reborn.

"So it is the light is within the densest part, and the densest
within the lightest. The two are one, and the direction is one. We
move out from Atziluth. We move in from Assiah. Baruch HaShem.
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